Potluck- Innovative approach to reduce wastage of food

I along with my teammates took the part in a hackathon, in which we need to develop an android application to solve real-time problems. And here the idea of Potluck comes.
What is Potluck?
A potluck is a communal gathering where each guest or group contributes a different, often homemade, dish of food to be shared. Other names for a “potluck” include potluck dinner, pitch-in, shared lunch, spread, faith supper, carry-in dinner, covered-dish-supper, fuddle, Jacob’s Join, and fellowship meal.
Our idea
The idea is all about offering food to the needy once, from those who have excess food. Where guests like personal, hotels, restaurants can either sell food at a cheaper price or donate. Whereas needy can search for food on the app. So they can buy or get food for free.
The app will provide certain details like how fresh the food is, its for sale or donation, pictures of food, time location of guest who wanted to share their food. So nearby needy can go direct to the location and grab the packet of food.
Tech Strack-
- Android (Java/Kotlin)
- Camera Framework
- Firebase
- Google play service
Future Possibilities
- Rating for every doner,
- Donation of food using a delivery
- Safety check of food
Some snaps of application-

Link of application- https://github.com/Ravindra0310/Food_Book
Thanks, readers if you like our idea please visit our app. We are always open to valuable suggestions.